RISE works in partnership with the Talent Foundry to provide a fully funded one-day workshop for individuals to participate in.
The RISE initiative exists to support young people in hard-to-reach areas of the UK, its overall aim is to help young people develop the skills that they will need in future life for businesses and the workplace.
These workshops are designed to help overcome the impact of the pandemic on young people’s education by improving social mobility and helping to develop their current skills, resulting in successful future careers.
RISE aims to aid young people by helping them to develop core transferable skills such as: listening, speaking, problem solving, creativity, staying positive and aiming high, alongside leadership and teamwork.
Sarah Morrin volunteered at Bodmin College as part of the Rise initiative, to help KS4 students, aged between 14 and 16, to participate and understand how their skills can be transferred and used successfully in a workplace setting.
Throughout the session, the young people were involved and actively encouraged to develop their skills around interacting and speaking up in a large group and learning how to communicate with a range of different professions in the workplace.
Her role during the workshop was to support a group of young people and show them that their current skills are very relevant and transferable to a workplace setting and by identifying further development and learning new skills, such as communication in all areas and levels, this would help them to succeed in the workplace and build their future careers.
She enjoyed volunteering at this RISE workshop, meeting the young people, chatting to them and discovering what aspirations they have for their future working lives. It was reassuring that these young people were keen to learn and develop the skills they need to overcome future challenges in the workplace or in their daily lives.