Our director Neil Morrin has been appointed as a local governor of a school in the community. Governors are a voluntary position and they take a key role in the support and development of schools.
Neil Morrin has been appointed to a Community Governor of Penrice Academy, he will be bringing his health and safety expertise along with other expertise to the role.
Cornwall Education Learning Trust:
They are a large and dynamic multi-academy trust educating over 7,500 children and young people across Mid-Cornwall from Newquay on the Atlantic Coast to St Austell on the south coast. Their approach is simple: pupil leaning is at the centre of everything that they do, and they are focused above all on making teaching in their academies as good as it can be. The trust includes 4 secondary schools, 9 primary schools and 1 new primary school opening Sept 2021.
Every CELT academy is deeply committed not to ensuring that all children receive the same thing, but that every child gets what he or she needs in order to develop their unique potential and succeed in life. We want to establish CELT as a family of academies in which every child thrives, and in which excellence is achieved through equity.